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Can I Have Caffeine While Pregnant

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If you enjoy soda and want to avoid additional caffeine during pregnancy, you can safely enjoy a glass of ginger ale. It is a caffeine-free alternative to

Use Medical. Caffeine is used in: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia in infants for both prevention and treatment. It may improve weight gain during therapy and reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy as well as reduce language and cognitive delay.

Breastfeeding is exciting for many new mothers who want to ensure that their infant is getting proper nutrition. Breastfeeding women need to increase their food and fluid intake by about 500 calories more than a woman who is neither pregnant nor breastfeeding.

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The recommendation that has become conventional wisdom is that pregnant women should not drink any alcohol. We assume that this is based on solid research but it’s not.

In this article, we will discuss consumption of decaf coffee while pregnant. Research in the area of coffee and pregnancy can be tricky

Caffeine is a stimulant and is not recommended during pregnancy. Caffeine can increase your blood pressure and heart rate and can lead to dehydration.

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Since this was the first link that came up and most of these answers are knee jerk responses, here is what I’ve found for anyone coming after me who is asking themselves if they can still drink the occasional Monster while pregnant: The energy you get from drinking a Monster does not come from the caffeine.

There is a lot of debate about the use of caffeine during pregnancy. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate. Even green tea and decaffeinated coffee have some caffeine (see the caffeine chart at

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Before pregnancy, I drank an average of two cups of coffee a day. While pregnant, I cut all caffeine out of my diet. I didn’t even have decaf coffee, tea, sodas, even chocolate.

A pregnant woman needs to drink more liquids than a nonpregnant person. This is because water helps to form the placenta and amniotic fluid. Pregnant women should drink at least eight to 12 glasses of water per day. You should also try to avoid caffeine, as it can cause increased urination and lead

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