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Do You Get Cramps When Your Pregnant

What are the 5 causes of cramps after sex? Can cramps but no period be a sign of pregnancy? We explain what can cause pain and cramps.

2. Your Nipples May Protrude and You Areolas May Darken. Ah yes, creepy guys around the world just said, “nice” to this little extra feature. Once again, your breasts are gung ho about the baby news so they want to make sure everything is ready to roll – they are like an enthusiastic grandmother stocking up on tinker toys – so they turn on the perma …

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14 Things to Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant: How to prepare, stay calm, and have a great pregnancy!

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Answers to common questions about having sex while you are on your period. Many couples worry about engaging in sexual activity during menstruation, but having sex during your menstrual cycle is perfectly healthy and safe. This article answers questions about STDs, pregnancy, and orgasm during menstruation.

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The short and scientific answer is: No. You cannot get your actual period at the same time as being pregnant. That doesn’t mean that there are no other things going on with your body, that look and feel just like your period but actually may not be.

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It’s not just elite sportspeople who get muscle cramps. If you’ve ever experienced one, you’ll know how painful they are. But why do we get …

What to Expect at 39 Weeks Pregnant? This is the term of pregnancy when the body of your baby is almost formed. His/her organs function the way they do …

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Prenatal care is the act of having a healthy lifestyle while you are pregnant. This includes making good choices and going to the doctor for regular visits. You are more likely to have a healthy birth if you maintain a healthy pregnancy. Schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as you find

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How to Get Rid of Toe Cramps. Toe cramps can wake you up in the middle of the night and cause discomfort throughout the day. You may get toe cramps for a variety of reasons ranging from dehydration to pregnancy. If your toe cramps last for

35 Weeks Pregnant, Symptoms Contractions and What to Expect at 35 Weeks Pregnancy.