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Getting Pregnant And Breastfeeding

Are you pregnant or breastfeeding and wondering how many calories you should be eating? This tool can give you a good starting point. The following calculator and information is not i

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Your complete guide to getting pregnant. We can help you prepare yourself, in mind and body, for bringing a baby into the world, and have all you need to know as you begin your journey into parenthood.

Our getting pregnant section includes everything you need to know about getting pregnant, from preconception to early signs of pregnancy. Here to help you.

Sure, you know the basics about how babies are made – a man and woman have sex and nine months later, a beautiful baby is born. But there’s actually a lot more to it than that. Here are all the fascinating biological facts about getting pregnant. For women, a potential pregnancy begins in the

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There’s never a better time to start improving your eating habits than when you are planning a pregnancy, already pregnant, or breastfeeding. Good nutrition is important for your baby, and it’s best for both mom and man to have a healthy, nutritious diet before deciding to start a family.

You can leave the Pregnancy section to visit our Breastfeeding section, which will give you the information you need to make an informed choice. Don’t forget to come back to the Pregnancy section for more great information on getting ready for parenthood.

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Ask our breastfeeding expert. Type your question below and if the answer isn’t on the site already our expert will answer it for you. Every breastfeed makes a difference

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If you’re thinking of getting pregnant – or already trying to conceive – you’re in the right place. Here you’ll learn about ovulation and fertility, the role of genetics in pregnancy, and the importance of healthy living pre-pregnancy.

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Looking for info on breastfeeding while pregnant? This article covers if breastfeeding is safe during pregnancy, eating well and other potential challenges.

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Timing sex for conception, the best positions for baby-making, an in-depth explanation of how babies are made, and more about pregnancy sex