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Pregnant C Section

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C-section — Overview covers why it’s done, risks, what you can expect and tips for recovery.

Understand what C-section is, how and why it is performed and the possible harms and benefits of C-section; and access resources and information from trusted partners about C-section.

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What do c-section scars look like? BabyCenter moms share photos of their cesarean scars at various stages of healing.

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Mother, 35, claims a botched c-section has left her looking ‘permanently pregnant’ causing people to regularly stop her in the street to congratulate her

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Sep 27, 2010 · The Truth About C-Sections Pregnant and thinking about having a C-section? Ellen Spencer, 40, of Hanson, Mass., is recovering from a cesarean section.

Experiencing a hernia after a cesarean delivery is a rare but possible complication. Here are the symptoms and treatment options.

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Could You Be Forced To Have A C-Section? Baby Talk May, 2005 By Lisa Collier Cool. Amber Marlowe anticipated an easy delivery when she went into labor on …

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This is the incredible moment a fisherman performs a C-section on a dead shark – and releases 98 live babies back into the wild. Mathew Orlov carried out the

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THIS is the incredible moment a fisherman performs a C-section on a dead shark – and releases 98 live babies back into the wild. Mathew Orlov carried out the impromptu op when he realised the dead creature was pregnant. Mathew Orlov cuts open the shark on his boat He said he knew something was

Frequently asked questions about cesearean recovery. Answers to c-section recovery questions.